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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Aadhaar Enrolment Drive Guidelines to DSE Telangana 5-17 Years Children

Aadhaar Enrolment Drive Guidelines to DSE Telangana

5-17 Years Children

 Aadhaar Enrolment of Children (5-17 years) , Guidelines to Department of School Education, Telangana, 5-17 years Children Aadhaar Enrolment Drive Guidelines to Department of School Education, Telangana, Role of DSE Telangana, UIDAI, District Level Officers, DEOs, MEOs, HMs and Emrolment Agency.

Children Aadhaar Enrolment, Guidelines,DSE Telangana

Definition of Aadhaar Enrolment Work:
Aadhaar enrolment work in the present context includes;

  1. First time enrolment of children for Aadhaar or whose earlier Aadhaar enrolment is rejected.
  2. Coverage of children for updation of bio-metrics (Finger Prints & IRIS): This is essential specially for children who have enrolled for Aadhaar already but could not give their bio-metrics as they were below 5 years of age at the time of enrolment

Scope of Aadhaar Enrolment Work:
a) Coverage of all Govt. and Private Schools: To cover all the children in this age group it is important to cover both Government Schools including Municipal Schools, Central Schools, Army Schools and Private Schools. It is a well known fact that large number of children attend private schools (affiliated to Boards such as State Board/ CBSE/ICSE etc). 

b) Coverage of Children outside School: It is suggested that the children in this age group may be allowed to get enrolled in schools even if they are not attending any school.  Effective control and monitoring is important for the successful roll out. It is suggested that departmental administrative machinery may be effectively used for time-bound coverage of children.

Time Lines:
Enrolment is targeted to be completed by 15th December, 2015. 

Role of Directorate of School Education, Hyderabad:

  1. Issues comprehensive instructions to all the officials and Heads of Educational Institutions along with specific time lines to complete the children enrolments in Schools.
  2. Supplies enrolment application forms to districts/ schools.
  3. Provides contact details of enrolment agencies to all the officials concerned
  4. Sets up a Cell to closely monitor and supports field level operations
  5. Reviews the MIS from field officers and issues instructions from time to time for speedy coverage.

Role of UIDAI, Regional Office:

  1. Engages enrolment agencies for the purpose and supplies the list of agencies to department.
  2. Supports enrolment agencies in Operator/ Supervisor On-boarding, data upload and other tech issues
  3. Supports field level officers and Head Masters in clarifying the process/ guidelines etc
  4. Receives MIS from field and monitors the progress along with School Education Dept.

Role of District Level Officer (DEO/ PD as decided by the Dept):

  1. Implements all the instructions/ guidelines issued by the Directorate reg. Children enrolment for Aadhaar and bio-metric updations.
  2. Reviews weekly progress of enrolment through MEOs and ensures 100% coverage of children in the district
  3. Ensures periodic reporting of district progress to Directorate.

Role of MEO (or any other Officer designated by dept):

  1. Single point of contact for Enrolment Agency/ Operators assigned to the Mandal
  2. Guides enrolment agency for effective and timely coverage of mandal.
  3. Permits removing out of enrolment kits/ agency out of mandal after ensuring 100% coverage of children.
  4. Issues Enrolment Completion Certificate to an enrolment agency after ensuring a completion certificates issued by Head Master/ Principals of all the Schools in the Mandal
  5. Extends desired support to Head Masters/ Principals for enrolment
  6. Reports weekly progress to DEO/ PD.

Role of Head Master/ Principal:

  1. The Head Masters/ Principal of each School would be in-charge person for enrolment and complete coverage at school level.
  2. Prepares list of Children to be enrolled and makes available to EA in advance.
  3. Ensures availability of enrolment Application forms in sufficient number, free of cost to children.
  4. Would support students in filling-up of Aadhaar enrolment form.
  5. Acts as a ‘verifier’: 
  6. Verifies enrolment forms supported by Proof of Address, Proof of Identity, Date of Birth documents
  7. Signs on all enrolment forms before start of enrolment. In case of his absence, nominates a Teacher, to work as Verifier. 
  8. Provides filled-in enrolment forms to enrolment operator.
  9. In case of non-availability of PoA/PoI, he would issue the same. In this case, he takes the help of any other teacher who would act as ‘Verifier’.
  10. Also enquires about updation requirement of bio-metrics (Finger Prints & IRIS) especially children who have enrolled for Aadhaar already but could not give their bio-metrics as they were below 5 years of age at the time of enrolment. He may verify Aadhaar letter of all the children in Class I to V and identifies cases for bio-metric updation. It may be noted that in these cases Aadhaar letter will consists a note “Children after attaining 5 years need to provide their bio-metrics”.
  11. Ensures presence of One of the parent of child who is enrolling, to sign on ‘consent slip’.
  12. Ensures power supply, a Table and Two chairs for conducting enrolment.
  13. Ensures that EA issues enrolment ‘Acknowledgement slip’ for each and every enrolment done by him.
  14. Prepares status of enrolment/ updations done and reports to Education Officers on progress of enrolment.
  15. MEO (as decided by dept) would be the contact person for HM for any enrolment related challenges/ issues.

Role of Enrolment Agency:

  1. Reports to MEO as soon as he reaches the Mandal with letter issued by UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad.
  2. Prepares a route plan and takes guidance of MEO for early coverage of Mandal.
  3. Will enroll children,
  4. Who have not enrolled for Aadhaar yet
  5. Whose enrolment is rejected earlier
  6. Bio-metric updation
  7. Provides sufficient no. of enrolment forms, free of cost to Head Master for filling-up by children.
  8. Ensures completeness of documentation by checking Verifier signature on enrolment form before start of enrolment.
  9. Charges: Enrolment agencies are strictly prohibited to collect any charges for Aadhaar enrolment or for bio-metric updates. They have to do it free of cost to children. 
  10. Any complaints of charging money will be dealt seriously by UIDAI & the department.
  11. Strictly complies with all the requirements of Aadhaar enrolment such as white screen for taking good quality photographs, back-up of enrolment data, timely syncing, uploading of packets, DMS of documents collected etc.
  12. Will move the kit from the Mandal after obtaining consent from MEO by way of e-mail or letter.
  13. Reports to UIDAI on progress of enrolments on weekly basis.