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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

RC.4292 - State Level Monitoring Teams Visit to 13 districts KGBVs in A.P

RC.4292 - State Level Monitoring Teams Visit to 13 districts KGBVs in A.P

Rc.4292 KGBV - Monitoring Teams Visit to 13 districts KGBVs in A.P, Proceedings of The State Project Director Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), A.P, Hyderabad, Proc.Rc.No.4292 /APSSA/KGBV /2015 Date. 28.09.2015

SSA, A.P., Hyderabad - KGBV - Monitoring teams - Visit to 13 districts KGBVs - Reg.

Order: All the District Educational officers, Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and DIET Principals in the State are hereby informed that as a part of the performance appraisal of KGBV CRTs in the districts periodically, it is decided to constitute State Level Monitoring Teams to visit all 13 districts in the State.

In this it is decided to constitute 13 teams at the State level officers from SPO/ SCERT. The identified teams will visit the allotted districts in September and October, 2015.

The team have to visit each district for 2-days as mentioned below:
(i) The team has to cover at least 3 to 4 KGBVs in the district
(ii) They cover interior KGBVs.
(iii) The ring team member shall record their observations in the prescribed format.
(iv) These findings will be addressed in the Second Spell trainings of CRTs.

The following interventions to be covered by the State teams :
1. Implementation of G.O.Ms.No.23 in all KGBVs
2. Constitute the District level Monitoring Teams
3. Impact of training programme in class rooms teaching, learning process in each subject during the visit
4. Academic Performances CRT and overall performance of KGBVs
5. Consolidate the subject wise CRT performance in KGBVs
6. Status of PINDICS in the KGBVs
7. Academic activities, Syllabus etc the DEO guidelines
8. Observe the CCE & Final Assessment pattern in the KGBVs.

During the visit of State Monitoring teams, the DPOs of SSA is directed to arrange the transport & boarding lodging arrangents for the visiting officers . The expenditure may be met from the District management cost. The concerned district AMO and GCDO should accompany the State Team, Along with one SRG.

The T.A, DA and Honorarium of the visiting officers of the state will be paid by SPO.